Faith Community Resources
COVID 19 Infection Control & Prevention for the Faith Based Community
Houses of worship provide “essential services.” – Governor Abbott
- All Essential Services have extensively modified their method of service delivery
- Houses of Worship Should:
- Help Slow the Spread of the Virus
- Conduct as many activities as possible remotely
- Participate with contact tracing efforts for members who have
tested positive
- Follow Federal, State, and Local guidelines as plans are developed for reopening in the future
- Help Slow the Spread of the Virus
Measures to Protect the Vulnerable
- Continue to encourage everyone ages 65 and above to stay
home and to avoid large gatherings. Provide these members with telephone and visitation services as appropriate - Continue to encourage all members with underlying health
conditions to avoid large gatherings. Provide these members with telephone and visitation services as appropriate - Conduct remote/video worship services for all members to keep vulnerable congregants from feeling isolated /excluded if others are able to return
Plan Carefully for In Person Worship
- Review CDC guidance and guidance from religious governing boards
- Develop a specific infection control plan for your facility, church leaders, employees and members
- Be a model for best practices by personally practicing social distancing, face covering,
hand washing and disinfection
- Social Distancing
- Face Coverings
- Hand Hygiene
- Cover coughs & sneezes
- Cleaning AND disinfecting
- Stay home if you are ill
Social Distancing
- Every other row seating
- Mark seating spaces at least 6 feet apart
- Avoid congregational processional
- Space appropriately in choir or utilize soloists as singing is a very effective way to spread COVID19
- Dismiss from worship services in small groups
- Limit capacity in child care settings in accordance with the most current CDC
- Cloth face coverings are recommended in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain
- Clergy, Ushers, and Greeters should wear face covering
- Encourage all congregants to wear face coverings
- Have face coverings available for congregants who do not have any
- Cloth face coverings should not be placed on young children under age 2, anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove
the mask without assistance.
- Provide hand sanitizer at every entry
- Ensure soap and paper towels are always available in restrooms
- Offer hand sanitizer when providing sacraments or commonly used objects, such
as collections baskets. - Frequent hand washing is preferred to gloves, as gloves can be an additional source of
infection and create more waste

- Provide tissues at every row
- Provide waste baskets close by every row
- Have ushers equipped with hand sanitizer to assist after a cough or sneeze

- Deep clean and disinfect sanctuary after every gathering
- Use disinfecting wipes to clean stair rails and arm rests at strategic moments during worship
- Use disinfecting wipes to clean door handles and other high touch surfaces at strategic times during worship

- CDC’s Guide for Community and Faith Bases Organizations Plan, Prepare, and
Respond: - DSHS Minimum Recommended Health Protocols for Opening the State of Texas:
- CDC’s Reopening Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfecting Public Spaces, Workplaces,
Businesses Schools, and Homes: - CDC’s Guide for Implementing Safety Practices for Critical Infrastructure Workers Who
May Have Had Exposure to a Person with Suspected or Confirmed COVID 19: