Our Shot to Get Back to Normal

Let’s get back to normal. COVID-19 has taken a toll on our community, our mental and emotional health, and our way of life. Once you are fully vaccinated, you can return to your normal activities with a greatly reduced risk. The “Our Shot to Get Back to Normal” community engagement program aims to bring awareness to the impacts of COVID-19 and encourage open dialogue around testing, vaccination, and prevention.
Vaccines are the best tools available to reduce both the spread and impact of COVID-19, so we urge residents to do their part by getting vaccinated and encouraging others to do the same.
Our Shot to Get Back to Normal
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Vaccination and Testing Sites
Vaccine Locations – Getting vaccinated is the best thing you can do to protect yourself and others against COVID-19. For current vaccination sites click here.
COVID-19 Testing Locations – Getting tested and prevention is an essential part of staying healthy. Knowing your status is one of the most important things you can do to protect yourself and your community. Call (281) 633-7795 to make an appointment.